Sunday, September 25, 2011

Free Computer Science Courses Offered Online by Stanford Engineering School

Stanford Engineering professors are offering three of the school’s most popular computer science courses for free online this fall, and at the same time launching an experiment that could transform the way online education is delivered.

The professors are taking technologies designed to enhance learning for Stanford students and extending them to a broad online audience. They are delivering lectures as short, interactive video clips that allow students to progress at their own pace through course materials. They are offering live quizzes with instant feedback.  And they are testing new technologies that allow students to rank questions that should be posed to the instructors.

The professors also hope to extend the benefits of Stanford-style education to those who lack access.

“Both in the United States and elsewhere, many people simply do not have access to a high-quality education.  By putting out this initial set of courses, we hope to teach some of the latest computing technologies to anyone who wants to learn it – for free,” said Andrew Ng, an associate professor of computer science who is teaching a new online machine learning course.

The three courses – Machine LearningIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence and Introduction to Databases – cover material that forms the basis of some of the most prevalent technologies today, from online shopping to web search and robotics.

# Posted via email from opportunity__cost

Friday, September 16, 2011

Simply notes, synced with Dropbox, Google Docs and more - Noteless for iPhone

I'm sick and tired of Notes app on iPhone.  What makes it even worse, is that they are out of sync all the freaking time.  If I need something to remember on the go, I can't just make a note - I feel that I have to deal with the whole world to keep them up.  It makes my life complicated and less joy.

Until today.  I welcome Noteless for iPhone  This is kick-ass app for iPhone that can make simple notes, and sync them everywhere.  If this doesn't appeal to you enough that means you probably don't live in information era, yet.

What could be better?  Only if you will get it for free (it's still cheap, while it's new on the market).  Updated: Unfortunately, I have only limited number of promo codes, and they run away fast.

Do you want to get it for free?  This is easy.  Twit about it and comment to this post why you want it - tell me any situation when you wanted it so much but it wasn't around (until today :).  And you'll get it.

First come - first served.  Free it is.

# Posted via email from opportunity__cost

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Apple wants Dropbox

A yet to be confirmed rumour indicates that Apple had offered to buy Dropbox for $800 million but the increasingly popular startup has declined the offer.

That would make perfect sense, and I would love to see this acquisition passing through, however, bearing in mind multiple billion valuation, $800 million offer makes very little sense.

P.S. I don't think that multiple billion valuation makes sense either.

# Posted via email from opportunity__cost