However, not so often you can see the ad featuring MS-DOS. ;) And I remember it pretty well.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Freebies sometimes are useful
Now my iTunes is proudly streaming to this little monster which plays enough for me to hear something, but not hate it for this terrible sound (which more like a noise :) And yes, it can take power from Airport's USB as well. So no batteries waste.
Purple thin book

Free PDUs
Upcoming Free PDU Webinars
If you're trying to keep your PMP in good standing, you might find this collection of upcoming events with free PDUs very useful.
Thanks to Andi Levin who put this all together.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Apple fights Hackintosh
Apple's motion to toss out a lawsuit filed by pesky Hackintosher Psystar was itself tossed out by a US District Court judge.
Well, while I am not completely agree with Psystar politics (I even thought they were smashed a while ago :), I should say, making Hackintosh legal could be beneficial for consumers.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Flickr's API Signature Forgery Vulnerability
This advisory describes a vulnerability in the signing process that allows an attacker to generate valid signatures without knowing the shared secret. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can send valid arbitrary requests on behalf of any application using Flickr's API. When combined with other vulnerabilities and attacks, an attacker can gain access to accounts of users who have authorized any third party application.
Monitoring ActiveMQ with Monit on Debian
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Market differentiation vs. segmentation
Friday, September 25, 2009
Приближение к клиенту

- С компанией работающей с реальными физическими людьми было проще. Четко определил типового покупателя, кинул рекламу, собрал реакцию, решили продолжать или не стоит.
- С Веб проектами все сложнее. Выйти на типового покупателя сложнее, вычленить его еще сложнее. Приходится "бросать камни об стену" (конечно немного прицеливаясь), с надеждой попасть все-таки куда нужно, или понять реакцию.
- Кто вы? Будь четок. Отличись и запомнись.
- Зачем вы? Четко, но кратко опиши свое предложение. Но не забывай, что это не реклманый питч и прайс-лист выдумавать не стоит. Пока что. Ты покупаешь интерес покупателя, не спеши отталкивать его ощущением каких либо обязательств или необходимости купить что-то. Большое количество потенциальных покупателей, даже понимая что за продукт ты предлагаешь, будут ассоциировать его с "пустотой", а никто не хочет платить деньги за ничто.
- Попроси емейл. Просто емейл. Уточни (констатируй) зачем он тебе нужен. Но не усложняй. "Мы пришлем вам приглашение в [продукт] как только выпустим первый релиз."
- Кратко поблагодари и напомни о своем обязательстве сообщить человеку одним из первых.
- Попроси помочь тебе сделать что-то нужное твоем посетителю. "Помогите нам сделать то что вам подходит".
- На данном этапе у вас есть от двух до пяти вопросов которые стоит задать. Я не смогу помочь вам их сформулировать. Но тебе нужно изучить привычки пользователя, понять задачи которые он связывает с вашим продуктом, и понять куда вам стоит заглянуть чтобы купить интерес этого конкретного посетителя. И никаких "посоветуйте нам что-то". Это не работает.
- Вам нужно собирать данные с которыми можно работать далее. Количество собранных емейлов может порадовать, если их много, однако сделать с ними ничего нельзя. Вам нужно понять что привело человека сюда. Что убедило оставить вам емейл.
- Обязательно спросите про цену. Сколько человек готов платить за продукт который поможет ему в его задачах. Никаких полей для текста. Четко указанные лимиты. "До 5 долларов в месяц, до 15 долларов, до 50, больше 50, рассмотрю только бесплатное".
- Никто не любит заполнять опросы. Тем более просто так. Вписать свой емейл -- это непосредственное выражение своего интереса. Не воспринимается как "а дайте нам ваш емейл", а скорее "если хотите, укажите емейл и мы вас проинформируем".
- Когда человек вписал емейл и перешел на другой экран, он уже а) высказал интерес и негласное обязательство и б) он почуствовал что он зашел в систему, в более узкий круг, и вопросы задаваемые ему, это не просто набор текста, а продолжение разговора.
Delirium Nocturnum
Теперь о самом пиве. Тёмно коричневое с крепкой пенной шапкой. Аромат яркий. Яблоко, изюм, сухофрукты. Вкус тоже очень многогранный, острый. Основным выступает шоколад. Жена дала очень ёмкую характеристику – «изюм в шоколаде». Да, есть такое. Кроме этого я нашёл здесь орех и спелую вишню. Послевкусие долгое, горькое. В нём так же преобладают шоколадно-кофейные тона и горечь скорей дикого яблока.
Соблазнил таки. Буквально неделю сидел и выбирал между двумя сортами пива Delirium Nocturnum и Tremens. Но случайно найденный отзыв по Npocturnum'у таки подкупил меня. В ближайшем BevMo! 7 бутылок (750 мл) еще есть в наличии. Наверное стоит собираться...
Safe-rm to fight with your bad habits
Safe-rm is a safety tool intended to prevent the accidental deletion of important files by replacing /bin/rm with a wrapper, which checks the given arguments against a configurable blacklist of files and directories that should never be removed.
While I absolutely agree that the idea is really nice and would safe a lot of asses from big pain, personally, I would never use it.
You know, there are some things in this world that cannot be taught. They need either to be fully understood and burned deeply or learned by your own pain. Sometimes a lot of pain.
Whenever I'm typing rm -r I'm already nervous. Whenever I see rm -f I'm freaking scared. This is just my gut feeling, I can't do much with it and I don't need to. I had a few painful lessons in the beginning and now I'm so thankful for that.
You know what, try rm -rf / yourself. It's not just one lesson. It's a set of lessons about working as root instead of regular user, keeping regular and proper backups, thinking before act and whatever not. You'll not forget that and you wouldn't need safe-rm anymore. :)
The same with molly-guard that prevents accidental reboots. Come on, this one is really fun. Why do you need that at all? If you server reboot is painful, you're already in danger. If your services doesn't boot well, doh, go fix it. If you don't have any load balancing and fault tolerance policy, go implement one. But don't go for the hack to save your ass from not doing anything else.
P.S. Don't get offended, just my 5 cents. :) Have fun.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Buying a scooter
A List of Costs and Benefits
- Scooter purchase.
- Possibly looking foolish.
- Potential for injury.
- Maintenance costs.
- Decreased travel time
This guy goes way too far in questioning himself for reason for scooter purchase.
While I also got excited about Razor A5 while shopping yesterday for gift for my son's birthday, however, I don't see myself spending even half of the time the guy spent thinking about it. You simply don't want your life to become a business plan. :)
More than that, his reasons are pretty silly, and benefits are also products of an illusion. The only good reason is that scooter is fun, and he missed it since the beginning. I probably wrong, but I believe I was reading about such a "calculated" behavior and that it can be a sign of the mental illness. But I hope he'll do fine. ;)
Time for GMAT verbal (tag: gmat, review, verbal)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
GMAT Data Sufficiency

The Entrepreneurship Myth
People who run their own businesses have greater job satisfaction than people who don't.
I believe the best point in this article was that getting more startups will not help the country. Getting more quality startups will. Don't idolize entrepreneurship "as is", but educate entrepreneurs about what makes a successful company.
So I have officially been diagnosed, by a real doctor, with THE SWINE FLU. I know everyone will suggest that fucking a pig is how this disease was obtained. However, the doctor said, my past choices in women have, in "no way" contributed to... me acquiring this mysterious sickness. Unfortunately, I am going to survive.
So it's official. Marilyn Manson has got the swine flu. Who's next?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Cheating on watches crown positions

- Glycine Airman 7 Crosswise 3841.19-LB9: crown is on 1.5 & 4.5 o'clock
- Glycine Airman 3829.19-LB9: crown is on 10.5 & 7.5 o'clock
How Ravelry scales...
Lessons Learned
Let your users create the site for you. Iterate and evolve. Start with something that works, get people in it, and build it together. Have a slow beta. Invite new people on slowly. Talk to the users about what they want every single day. Let your users help build your site. The result will be more reassuring, comforting, intuitive, and effective.
Let your users fund you. Ravelry was funded in part from users who donated $71K. That's a gift. Not stock. Don't give up equity in your company. It took 6 months of working full time and bandwidth/server costs before they started making a profit and this money helped bridge that gap. They key is having a product users feel passionate about and being the kind of people users feel good about supporting. That requires love and authenticity.
Become the farmer's market of your niche. Find an under serviced niche. Be anti-mass market. You don't always have to create something for the millions. The millions will likely yawn. Create something and do a good job for a smaller passionate group and that passion will transfer over to you.
Success is not about scale, it’s about sustainable execution. This lovely quote is from Jeff Putz.
The database is the problem. Nearly all of the scaling/tuning/performance related work is database related. For example, MySQL schema changes on large tables are painful if you don’t want any downtime. One of the arguments for schemaless databases.
Keep it fun. Casey switched to Ruby on Rails because he was looking to make programming fun again. That reenchantment helped make the site possible.
Invent new things that delight your users. Go for magic. Users like that. This is one of Costco's principles too. This link, for example, describes some very innovative approaches to forum management.
Ruby rocks. It's a fun language and allowed them to develop quickly and release the site twice a day during beta.
Capture more profit using low margin services. Ravelry has their own merchandise store, wholesale accounts, printers, and fulfillment company. This allows them to keep all their costs lower so their profits aren't going third party services like CafePress.
You can do a lot with a little in today's ecosystem. It doesn't take many people or much money anymore to build a complex site like Ravelry. Take a look at all the different programs Ravelry uses to build there site and how few people are needed to run the site.
This story is not bad the RoR site with daily 3.6M pageviews. However, I'm wondering how it compares to the similar site running plain old PHP.
Going through the E.phiphany

Monday, September 21, 2009
Rails Performance comes to LA
Los Angeles is home to countless Rails development shops, major technology companies using Rails, and freelance engineers. In addition, it’s the largest city in the state of California. A definite must for the Rails Performance Roadshow!
If you're RoR dude and based in LA, go for it on October 30. (And it's also free.)
What they don't teach you at B-schools
So if you accomplish something great, don't be afraid to tell the world - they want to know!
Well, they might not teach you this in business school, but the most of the points described there are pretty straightforward.
Instead, I would call it "go for your passion and sell it to everybody." Great product, first impression, feedback, risks & self-promotion are all derivatives from this mantra.
Russian Billionaire Installs Anti-Photo Shield on Giant Yacht | Gadget Lab |
Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich has a rather curious new addition built in to his latest oversized yacht. The 557-foot boat Eclipse, the price tag of which has almost doubled since original plans were drawn to almost $1.2 billion, set sail this week with a slew of show-off features, from two helipads, two swimming pools and six-foot movie screens in all guest cabins, to a mini-submarine and missile-proof windows to combat piracy.
It might not seem like somebody with such ostentatious tastes would crave privacy, but along with these expensive toys, Ambramovich has installed an anti-paparazzi “shield”. Lasers sweep the surroundings and when they detect a CCD, they fire a bolt of light right at the camera to obliterate any photograph. According to the Times, these don’t run all the time, so friends and guests should still be able to grab snaps. Instead, they will be activated when guards spot the scourge of professional photography, paparazzi, loitering nearby.
1. This is freaking expensive.
2. One I saw "laser" at first glance, I thought it's shooting back to the camera-man and burns him immediately. But even if it doesn't, those anti-paparazzi shields are still cool. Wondering how they really work though. Interesting to see photos from anyone who've ever experienced that. :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ruby on Hadoop
If you are dealing with truly large amounts of data, in the multiple terabyte range or larger, there really are only a few options available to efficiently store and process that data. If you are a company with money to burn, you can talk to Oracle. If that doesn’t appeal to you, you can do what many companies are doing - using Hadoop to store and process their data.
A little bit too AWS-oriented, but is a great quickstart guide.
Hadoop gets closer to real-time processing
And if the recent growth in usage of Twitter, Friendfeed/Facebook, and mobile applications are any indication, there will be increasing pressure to accelerate the analysis and pattern-matching now carried out by Hadoop to deliver more enriching web user experiences. It will take time, as even the Hadoop experts are honing their skills on predictive models, including figuring out how long each process takes, and how many hardware/software resources will be needed. In the meantime, column-oriented stores like HBase and Hypertable provide a practical mechanism to get one step closer to real time using Hadoop.
Oh yeah, real-time is really everybody-is-what-about thing nowadays. :)
I don't think though that you can say that [something] is real-time thingy and [other thing] is not. It's all situational.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Referral programs
Jason vs. Mint acquisition
Jason, the founders at Mint are likely making the right decision. These are the worst of times for the economy and consumers are get squeezed left and right - from tariffs on tires, to taxes on health benefits to lower wages and unemployment - maybe combining forces with Intuit was the BEST decision. Maybe Mint can help make Intuit better. Maybe this acquisition will equate to a ‘periodic revolution, a necessary medicine for the sound health of an ‘old world’ company like Intuit’.
Lets make it dead simple.
Look at the Jason's point
And then revert to Alexander's one
I'm not going to take any side here. My hat's off to Jason for building such great company as 37signals. I truthfully believe this is really something that would leave mark in IT space.
However, Alexander's point is hugely supported by respectable investors, like Jeff Clavier and Dave McClure.
So who do you think is right? Lets vote!!
Entrepreneurs and Risk
A few weeks ago I spoke with Jason Fried, the 35-year-old co-founder of 37 Signals, who had this advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: “Start a business on the side. Keep your day job.” Fried sounded frustrated with the caricature of entrepreneurs as big risk takers who throw caution to the wind to pursue business ideas. “I think great entrepreneurs don’t really take much risk,” he says. Instead, he advocates thinking long-term, developing a business gradually, and only quitting to do it full-time when it seems like a safe bet — i.e., customers are paying for your product or service.
Interesting article at Business Week.
On the same note, I can remember the talk given during the Founders Institute program (created by Adeo Ressi). I can't quote it exactly, but the similar question was raised:
"Do you think entrepreneurs love risk? Wrong! Everybody hates risk. Nobody likes being under pressure 24x7 and risk everything for something illusory. But entrepreneurs are those who are willing to take the risk for the sake of something more important in their lives. And successful ones learn how to manage the risks wisely."
I can't agree more on that. I would hate to put my family and my own security on my startup, but I'm willing to do this taking a number of precautionary steps that can save me if something goes way wrong. By the way, it's also important to understand when the things are too wrong to continue.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I need your feedback!
Internet connection

GMAT reading

Quicken for Mac OL-249
- Run Quicken. Choose Online (from top bar), One Step Update... and click Update Now... In my case it proposed me to download the new R2 or whatever version which I did. I did, and it didn't help. At least, it didn't seem to help.
- Moving forward, I found this article As you can see it's pretty fresh, dated only 9/14/09. So it looks like Quicken recently changed something and screwed up everything else.
- I've used the first option described there, but it still didn't work. So I tried the manual one, and while everything looked like okay even before applying the new certificate, I reapplied it once again.
Doing my best to kickass GMAT Data Sufficiency questions
Substitution in GMAT questions
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Провел два дня на TechTrunch50 2009.
Сложилась отличная компания с Денисом Довгополым. Кроме этого было большое количество знакомых лиц из TheFunded Founder Institute.
В общем зачете время провел хорошо, "твитил в живую" с конференции, около 200 твитов за второй день, и думаю раза в полтора больше с первого дня так как его я застал больше. Подумываю о целесообразности это все объединить в небольшой отчет, хотя два дня и так выбили из рук кучу дел которыми нужно заняться.
Jason Calacanis молодец, мне он искренне симпатичен, Michael Arrington поведение в отношении публики меня смутило. Если это было шоу, то я не любитель такого. Ну это их подробности. Я бы это назвал спецификой Silicon Valley.
Не понял появления на сцене хип хопера Chamillionaire в качестве судейского состава. Какой-то специфики компаний тоже не было, уклона на развлекательный бизнес, медиа или "звездность" из LA тоже, поэтому я сначала был в полном недоумении. Многие решили что будет концерт, но нет. Хотя он не потерялся и четко ограничил свою точку зрения только как конечный пользователь. Довольно продвинутый в плане Интернета, твиттил и обновлял свой MySpace во время презентаций. :)
Собственно, вкратце это все, более подробно можно читать на у меня на Twitter и смотреть немного фото на Flickr
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My new DVD player
See and download the full gallery on posterous
While this one was rather expensive for its feature-set (normally, it's about $90+ in the Internet), I got it for a little bit over $60 (new one, not refurbished/reconditioned/...), and I think this is a fair price paid. Form factor is also important, by the way. ;) And it fits well with Samsung TV that my son has.
I'll keep an eye how this one works. I saw a number of complains that it doesn't work well with Samsung TVs through HDMI. Not in my case. It was flawless, just plug it out and in, and it just works. By the way, I never managed to run Philips through HDMI, as it had no sound whatever I'd do.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
PlayStation 2
See and download the full gallery on posterous
The set includes:
Sony PlayStation2 SCPH-39001
Sony analog controller SCPH-10010
Psyclone PS2 Tiltsense controller PSE93, wireless!
Sony memory card 8 MB SCPH-10020
Sony AV cord
Ping me back if you want it. Bay area only, please. :)
Congrats Skimble!
My former Founder Insitute' team mate, Maria Ly, has her startup Skimble featured in TechCrunch. Skimble was a part of The Funded’s Founder Institute and "already attracted over 1,000 outdoor enthusiasts that have praised the ability to track and compare their accomplishments". Congrats, Maria. Meanwhile, enjoy the video of Maria doing crazy things during one of the founders' sessions at the Founder Institute program.
Just some numbers
GMAT questions are becoming interesting...
See and download the full gallery on posterous
Original questions states 1 and 1/2 hour for Airport C, while the solution states 1 and 1/6 hour for it. Oops! (Not my fault anymore! :)
You know, I was constantly looking for a typo, like Will Smith in I, Robot movie was looking for a bad robot. And when I almost gave up -- here it is!
I'm getting ready to Data Sufficiency section now. But I probably will not be doing it tonight, but get some reading instead.
On the other note, I miss my set of teas that I ordered from Adagio last week. That's a first time they are sending it not from Fresno, CA, but from Saddle Brook, NJ, and it's a long way to California. By the way, if you haven't tried Adagio, yet, you've got to do this They've got a great choice of teas and they're pretty good in delivering it. Drop me a line, and I can send you $5 bucks certificate free.
Belkin Wireless G+ for $17.99

This is cheap. I've used Belkin routers for several years and they always were good. And now you can get this one for $22.99 already shipped. This rocks! I would say - go for it. (But I already have one Belkin and one Airport so I'm out of the run. ;)
How to import your Jroller posts into Posterous?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oops, bunch of old crap!
New project:
Me & my son (early days)
This photo was made when my son just turned 1 month (11/5/2005). It was still in Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Amazing how fast time runs away...
Original comment to it ..."the temperature is below 24 Celsius, there is a lot of slow and it feels like city will disappear shortly". (I guess this is about minus 12 degrees in Fahrenheit.)
This is something I both miss and happy not see that often.
However, damn, that was a part of my life for 25 years. So I think I miss it more than I hate it. ;) Unfortunately, I can't enjoy it as much as I want nowadays.
Simple (and inexpensive) CDNs

For those who're considering doing some CDN, SimpleCDN sounds like an interesting option. 10 gigs of storage and 100 gigs of transfer will barely hit $10 a month.
New iPod nano

New iPod nano is kinda cool. Video shooting plus FM radio. Not mentioning pedometer and whatever else they put it. However, $149 for 8GB one is on expensive side.
Temporary phone numbers
inumbr is a free online service that gives US users the ability to set up a unique phone number, have it forwarded to any number within the US and then have it set to expire without a trace when finished with it. The unique inumbr’s are never reused, and can be extended if longer terms are required. Users choose from a list of 22 area codes from major US cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and New York, select an expiry date and set a number that it should be forwarded to. When the term is up, the number is expired from the system, and never used again for any other user. If you wish to use the number at a later date, you can log into the inumbr system and reactivate it.
Interesting, how soon are they going to face the first legal issues because of "miss-use" of their service? Other then that, a good service to bookmark.
Founder Insitute 2009
I'm going to miss it a lot. But it's just the beginning, right?
My birthday present
See and download the full gallery on posterous
It's in Russian and his mom was helping him but still it's so great!
GMAT challenge
Сан Хосе под властью марсиан
Сан Хосе под властью марсиан
Жителям Сан Хосе
что там происходило сегодня два часа назад? Joseph - Mon Sep 7 21:33:14 2009
Location: Sunnyvale, CA 94086
I saw the red light as well. I first noticed it in the west-north-west portion of the sky at about 50 degrees above the horizon, as viewed from Almaden. It took about 30 minutes to move to 80 degrees due south. It did appear to fade a bit, but could not see any obscuring clouds to account for that. I got a pair of binoculars on it for about a minute before it disapeared from my sight. It was hard to judge the altitude but I did see a couple of planes pass in what my perception to be, below it. They too were going from west to east. - They had, what appeared to me, the normal flashing navigation beacons (red/green). Spartan3 - Mon Sep 7 22:08:30 2009
My wife, kids and I saw the red light at 9:02PM to the southwest of our home near Santa Teresa/Snell. It seemed to drift southeast with the wind while slowly pulsing brighter and dimmer. The rate of pulsing was irregular. At it's brightest it looked like the red brake light of a car. It was definitely not an airplane, helicopter, satellite or meteor or flare. I got the impression it was a light hanging from a balloon, but I could not see the balloon in my binoculars. It dimmed and winked out at about 9:20PM.
nvrijn - Mon Sep 7 23:13:04 2009
Also saw it at around 9:30 in Almenden - among a lot of other witnesses in the street, all staring up and pointing. Creepy feeling. Not a star (unless there was an unreported super nova), not a plane (didn't move), almost certainly not a stationary helicopter. After about 15 minutes of looking at what was to all appearances a bright red eye in the sky, I slowly became convinced there was a growing possibility I would be beamed up, and went indoors. When I came out 30 minutes later the light was gone ... and so were the neighbors! Make of that what you will.
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