Recently I picked The Godfather of Silicon Valley

That is the book about Ron Conway with no doubts the most prominent angel investor in Silicon Valley. I like to read biographies as they can be pretty inspiring.
That was a different book. I can't really describe it, neither I can say that I loved it, but I "ate it" in just two days. Not a typical biography-book. However, it change my view of Ron Conway. Unfortunately, I had no chance to meet him personally, yet, so my impression of him is solely based on typical TechCrunch- and Hacker News-type of a stories (which I tend to accept with a grain of salt). This book gave me a chance to to see him as a talented businessman, but a not as a all-wanna-be-entrepreneurs-God-whatever. And his networking circles can't leave you unimpressed anyways. :)
If you have got a spare few hours, I highly recommend this one.