Monday, April 26, 2010

MPMM Software Giveaway

I have got a copy (actually, a few) of MPMM Professional edition that I want to giveaway to PM community.  While it's not about so trendy agile way, but more classic waterfall-and-all-around approach, one can find it super helpful in many occasions.

See the software brochure and download a free trial of it.  If you like it, read on, I can save you $495 (or $595 - whatever is on the price tag) and give it for free.

Let me quote a few things from the site:

MPMM Professional includes an entire methodology for managing projects. It steps you through every phase, activity and task needed to complete a project from start to finish. And it comes with all of the templates and examples you need, to save time. 
This edition also helps you customize your own project management methodologies. You can import your existing methodologies, processes and templates to manage them all in one place. And you can customize the methodology already included in MPMM, to use for your projects today. 

Sounds interesting?  It can be yours.  Absolutely free.

So here is the deal:

  1. Drop me a line to my Twitter @iwhite and tell me why do you want it.
  2. Follow me on Twitter @iwhite and subscribe to my blog (I can't really check this and not like I'm going to, so it's pretty much voluntarily, but at least you know I've asked for. :)
  3. Spread the word. I have more than one copy available and I want to make sure I'm giving it to people who will enjoy using it.

That's it.  No strings attached.  I'll send you a registration code (you have to download software yourself) and you're good to go.

P.S. If you know me personally, it's even better.  Send me an email, and it's yours.

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