However, too many things are happening around, a lot of things need to be done at my job, I need to invest a fair amount of time for the Founder Institute program, plus a number of other things that still need my time and input.
Did I say that I'm married and have a handsome son, who also seeks my time? He doesn't get enough as well. (Hopefully, it helps him to respect it.)
Well, one should say that the right time planning would be an answer, however, I always was good enough with scheduling my time, so it's more about something else.
Whatever, down the road with Cracking the GMAT 2009, and I'm still pretty concerned about the value of it. I already saw the number of sample questions in the end of the book, however, I was actually looking for the hardcore cracking tips and tricks, more on the theory side. 50 pages more, and I'm still reading about pretty basic algebra problems with the list of hints that don't really make much sense to me.
I'm especially frustrated with a very often mentioning so called "scratching" and "plugging in" things. As I've been told, the GMAT takers are pretty limited with amount of scratch paper, and even when they're given it, you have to manage the available space on the paper wisely — we won't be given an extra paper, as well as we don't have anything to erase, but our own fingers and shirt-sleeves. So why should we learn to scratch a lot, when we need to train the brain instead?
From the other side, why are the book authors are idolizing "plugging in" so much? Well, this technique can save you if you have problems thinking in x, y and z, but you should better train how to do this. I could hardly find any example which is a proper usage for "plugging in". The most of these cases were fairly easy to solve with making up an equation. (And I am not the brightest guy in math!)
So I'm pretty disappointed and starting to look for other books.