Please look at this page of Harvard Business Review - October 2009
I found this at Harvard Business Review - October 2009 (Page: 36). I thought you would enjoy reading this, too.While I can't say I disagree that quick but effective nap time helps a lot to restart and get you back on track, I have doubts about how well could it be used on the job. How many people would start taking naps and would keep beyond the reasonable time for that? Do you need to make clear that your nap is limited to 30 minutes? When you put limits on napping allowed wouldn't it mean that you can take 30 minutes off (not necessary for napping) and do what you wanna do legally? Would the naps be that effective when you falling asleep with a ring in your head that you can't go beyond the 30 minutes limit? Etcetera.
Personally, I don't like to take naps. I mean, sometimes I feel that I need to, but I never do. It just feels a little bit uncomfortable for me. This might be just a mindset though. However, naps really differ. Sometimes you wake up full of energy and ready to fight, sometimes you wake up with a feeling that the rest of the day is screwed up totally now. Who knows.
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