Like, you know, for the quantitative part of GMAT, for example.
Yes, I'm talking about the EZ basic math workbook.

It has a lot of typos. What's worse, it has a lot of errors, too. Like the one show above, which is page 113, question #20. Twice 32 equals 64, but not 62. Where the heck is editor? Proofreader? Anybody else?
It's not the only example, but I just wanted to show you that reviews like this (even if it's the only one), should not be ignored:
there are a lot of examples in the book that are completely wrong. The further you go in the book the worse it gets. Its like the author got exhausted by the end. ex:
1) a question will ask you about blue ribbons but will calculate due to green ribbons.
2) some of the combinatorics questions have missing combinations that the question is asking about. I can go on and on ... The book is very easy and has bunch of errors. Work with it at your own risk. BTW to put some weight behind my words: I have already taken GMAT and got above 700.
by BebaZyabovna.
Take care.