Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Done with Kaplan's book!

Finally, I'm done with that one.

Pages 512 through 546 is a good cheat sheet you might one to examine and maybe memorize something.

Everything else is nothing you can benefit from. Frankly speaking, this book is no good. Don't buy it. And don't buy the next one, 2010 or whatever they call it. Publishers tend to be pretty easy on numbers, but bad on added value.

Two next books are official guides for quantitative and verbal sections. These two are pretty thin ones, and I'm going to give them an extra pressure.

Have more books to go anyways. Two EZ books on math, I'm also planning to read more and more, as well as acquiring Sentence Correction one from Manhattan GMAT. As I said, I'm going to read a lot. I believe that's the only practice I can get for verbal piece (other then SC).

Bear with me.